Last week in his speech at the European Parliament, the Commission representative, Mr Pau Garcia Audi, endorsed the eu.bac EPBD BACS Compliance Verification Checklist. Mr Audi delivered a presentation to a European Parliament Breakfast Debate organised by eu.bac and hosted by MEP Sean Kelly on the 7th of September. He recognised that the checklist is compliant with the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive’s (EPBD) requirements related to the mandatory capabilities listed in Art.14 and Art.15.
The amending Directive 2018/844 had the transposition deadline in March 2020. Nevertheless, several countries are still struggling to effectively integrate BACS requirements which have to come into force in 2025, into their national legislation. Mr Audi confirmed that the Commission closely follows the transposition in all Member states. Despite declarations of full transposition, in some Member States, many provisions are still untransposed. The Commission stands ready to initiate, where necessary, infringement procedures. To avoid this, the checklist provides a necessary reference list for the Member States and other stakeholders to ensure the requirements in the Directive are followed.
Following the formal transposition of the EPBD, many Member States need to approve further implementing decrees, specifying technical aspects which were not included in the first transposing provisions. While eu.bac suggests, consistently with previous guidelines, to translate these requirements into a requirement of EN ISO 52120 (previously EN 15232) class B for all buildings in scope, the checklist will be a helpful, practical tool for the legislator to clarify details about what the functionalities mean in practice. Furthermore, it helps national market surveillance authorities distinguish between buildings complying with the legislation and those that do not comply, which must improve the BACS to the required level. Finally, it provides building owners and designers with the necessary clarifications to overcome any ambiguity within the compliance requirements in the legislation, with the deadline of application in 2025 fast approaching.
You can find the checklist in different languages here: EN; DE; FR
View our webinar on the checklist and how to ensure compliance with the revised EPBD here: