Four pillars for decarbonising Europe’s building stock
Four pillars that capture a holistic and multidisciplinary approach that can decarbonise EU’s building stock timely and cost-effectively according to the following stakeholders:
- Leonardo ENERGY @LeonardoENERGY
- ESTIF @ESTIF_Solar ESTIF is the voice of the solar thermal industry in Europe, actively promoting the use of solar thermal technology for renewable heating and cooling.
- EHPA @helloheatpumps The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) promotes awareness and deployment of heat pump technologies in Europe.
- eu.bac @eubac eu.bac represents the major European manufacturers of products for home and building automation.
- EPEE @EPEESecretariat European Partnership for Energy and the Environment http://www.epeeglobal.org . The Voice of the Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration Industry. RTs ≠ endorsement
- Eurima_MW @Eurima_MW Eurima is the European #InsulationManufacturers Association and represents the interests of all major#mineralwool producers throughout Europe.
- Alix Chambris @AlixChambris Head of Danfoss EU public affairs, with a focus on #buildings,#EnergyEfficiency, #DistrictEnergy,#EnergyUnion and #ActOnClimate. Opinions are purely mine.
- Thomas Nowak @ehpabrussels Secretary general of EHPA, convinced supporter of green & energy efficient energy. 100% is possible. HP in the basement: working very well! tweets = own opinion
- IEA-DSM @IEADSM The International Energy Agency’s Demand Side Management Implementing Agreement joins researchers from 17 countries in DSM projects organised into Tasks.
- Euroheat & Power EHP@EuroheatPower International network for#DistrictEnergy promoting#sustainable heating & cooling in#Europe & beyond. #renewables#cogeneration #HeatingEU#smartcities